Mary Baker blogpost Communication, Control, Detach, emotional honesty, needs, relationships, responsibility, truth
Agendas can be a great way to organize what we want to get done. They are problematic however when we use them in our relationships – especially our communication. This brings in fear-based control, and doesn’t allow us to connect in emotionally honest ways. In fact, we can actually end up in the very state […]
Mary Baker blogpost empowerment, episode, life, loved ones, needs, new normal, pandemic, perspective, reflection, resolutions, safety, self, self-care, self-trust, values
Fragility in times like these can make us more open and aware of our feelings, our needs and our priorities. Big circumstances usually bring about Big Perspectives, as they can change how we view things and reorder the priorities a bit. This reminds me of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs we talked about several months back. […]
Mary Baker Uncategorized 2020, Boundaries, calm, comfort, Environment, episode, hope, hugs, loved, needs, podcast
I know, a it’s a big understatement to say the title so lightly because we need a lot of things right now – some so big they seem out of reach…like a vaccine for Covid-19, for the world’s economy to bounce back flawlessly without making any new people sick or harming the environment, no? Hey […]
Mary Baker blogpost be happy, Beliefs, Boundaries, Choices, empowerment, lies, life, mistaken beliefs, needs, Perfectionism, podcast, procrastination, selfish, the past
It is important to look at what we believe, since our beliefs and values drive each and every one of our behaviors. Our perceptions of a given person or circumstance will determine how we approach it. . .they impact how we feel and react or respond to situations. On the podcast today we explore the […]