EP 009 Taking Responsibility for Getting Needs MetWelcome to our ninth episode, where we finish up our month talking about taking full responsibility for what we need – and for practicing self-care.
Mary Baker Podcast 009, acting out, childhood, choice, courage, emotional honesty, empowerment, episode, listen, Mary Baker, needs, own it, ownit, podcast, powercast, psychological, Responisbility, responsibility, self-care, self-confidence, Spa Day, unmet
EP 009 Taking Responsibility for Getting Needs MetWelcome to our ninth episode, where we finish up our month talking about taking full responsibility for what we need – and for practicing self-care.
Mary Baker blogpost acting out, assertive, authentic, change, courage, empowerment, episode, Mary Baker, needs, ownit, ownitpowercast
Over the years I’ve worked with adults, children, families, couples and groups. It has taught me so much about individual struggles, relationship issues, and just basic humanity. I am honored that these folks let me in to be a part of their precious journey. I think that journey is literally to the heart – finding […]
Mary Baker Podcast 008, acting out, childhood, choice, courage, emotional honesty, empowerment, episode, listen, Mary Baker, needs, own it, ownit, podcast, powercast, psychological, responsibility, self-confidence, unmet, wants
.Welcome to episode eight where I dig down a bit deeper about just how in the world do we go about getting needs met? What does that really mean and what does it look like in real time?
Mary Baker Podcast 006, childhood, choice, courage, empowerment, episode, listen, Mary Baker, needs, own it, ownit, podcast, powercast, psychological, responsibility, self-confidence, unmet, wants
Welcome to Episode seven where we talk about how our needs may have gone unmet, and the emotional impacts on us and on our relationships.
Mary Baker Podcast 006, choice, courage, empowerment, episode, listen, Mary Baker, needs, own it, ownit, podcast, powercast, psychological, responsibility, self-confidence, wants
Welcome to Episode six where we get into the concept of owning our Needs…what they are, what they mean, and what they mean for empowerment!
]Mary Baker blogpost empowerment, episode, grounded, loved, needs, ownit, ownitpowercast, psychological, safe, vulnerable, why
Have you ever heard that said? My money is on the fact that the bearer of that message is sadly disconnected from their own needs…so they question yours. Typically, the more vulnerable the need the more awkward it can get. But I digress. When we talk about emotional and psychological needs, we need to define […]
Mary Baker Podcast choice, courage, empowerment, episode, listen, Mary Baker, own it, ownit, podcast, powercast, responsibility, self-confidence, self-esteem, self-worth
Welcome to Episode five where we talk about taking responsibility for your dream of who you want to be. Owning it matters when it comes to making sustained changes.
Mary Baker Podcast choice, courage, empowerment, episode, listen, Mary Baker, own it, ownit, podcast, powercast, self-confidence, self-esteem, self-worth
Welcome to episode four of the Ownit! Powercast where we get into bridging the gap between where you see yourself now and where you want to be!
Mary Baker Podcast choice, courage, empowerment, episode, listen, Mary Baker, own it, ownit, podcast, powercast, self-confidence, self-esteem, self-worth
Welcome to the third episode of the Ownit! Powercast where we talk about going back into the past and digging deep to find some important answers.
Mary Baker Podcast choice, courage, empowerment, episode, listen, Mary Baker, own it, ownit, podcast, powercast, self-confidence, self-esteem, self-worth
Welcome to the second episode of the Ownit! Powercast where we start the conversation about what self-concept really is, and why it matters so much.