It’s Amazing What We Can Get Used To. What We Tolerate Can Cost Us.
This is what a friend of mine said the other day. And like I talk about on today’s show, more often we can become slowly accustomed chaos and stress, since we acclimated so slowly over time down the slippery slope. We don’t even realize what has accumulated in our life until we start showing symptoms, or others start lovingly or not so lovingly pointing it out to us. So, what are some of the unhealthy things we can quickly adapt to and see as “normal” or “understandable” – excuses, anyone?
Toxicity – Typically in our relationships, both at home and at work. This includes ongoing drama, manipulation, lack of boundaries and different types of abuse. The subtle verbal jabs and gaslighting are what I focus on most here because they are insidious, and we often don’t see them after a while. But they take a huge toll on our mental health, nonetheless. It’s not safe. Period.
High Levels of Stress – This could be just inherent to your job description or home situation. Work that involves dealing with physical safety, mental health or trauma means an almost constant flow of cortisol to our brains. Over time, we may not realize the emotional and mental toll it can take, even manifesting into impacts on our physical health.
Avoidable Chaos – Here is where we may not want to face the reality that either we or those around us are creating chaos out of irresponsibility. If car maintenance isn’t done, there’s more chance of it breaking down. If there aren’t budgets or enough income coming in, there will be money trouble.
Neglecting Ourselves – Slowly over time we stop taking care of ourselves as we get caught up in whatever’s going on. We stop working out, eating better, or connecting with friends. Time just whizzes by before we realize that feeling heavy, tired, and low energy has become the new normal and we accept it. We are so disconnected with how we feel and how our body feels at this point. We are the frog in the water that keeps getting hotter.
Usually with all these situations, we often don’t make changes until something happens that we can no longer ignore the impacts of the stress. Either something negative such as a health scare, a financial hit or just seeing some contrast when we actually do get some exposure to healthy that we see where we are…really. So, take stock today, and often. Keep loving accountability around you – friends who love you enough to point out the truth. Then get brave and work on boundaries.