How to Find Your Confidence Again
Been dragging lately? Feeling blah or frustrated about your life, wishing you could get your mojo back? There might be very good reasons for how you feel right now, and there’s a way to work at this to change it. It’s in the details of how you might not be doing right by – You. Every time you say no, you do indeed honor yourself. You honor that your boundaries matter, that your needs matter, and that you have enough self-respect to set limits on what is not good for you. You show yourself what you deserve every time you do this. How do you know you are saying no (or yes) to the right things? Here are a few to consider.
Every Time you Say No to Chaos. Chaos happens when we are not taking care of ourselves. We procrastinate, we start things then we don’t finish them, we promise and don’t deliver, at least not on time. We allow others to create stress in our lives due to their own lack of boundaries. Self-discipline equals self-love. When we do really love ourselves deep down, we show ourselves that by being mindful of what we are allowing into our life. Unhealthy people unfortunately can often bring chaos and stress because they lack good boundaries and struggle to take responsibility. There are so many fires to put out due to lack of planning or discipline. We can do this ourselves by not getting things taken care of in a timely manner which creates bigger issues, such as a larger roof leak, overdue bills and missed appointments.
Every Time You Say No to Harmful Behaviors. Overeating. Not eating healthy. Not getting rest. Not getting medical care. These are ways we can inflict harm and invite future issues by our habits. In and of themselves they may not seem so bad but added together and over time they can lead to health issues and affect your well-being. Also, deep down you don’t feel good about the weight, the fatigue and/or the lack of self-love.Taking care of issues before they get out of hand doesn’t mean you deprive yourself. It just means you care enough about you and your life to slowly begin making small changes that really add up over time!
Every Time You Honor the Things You Are Drawn to. Play. Paying attention then following through on that inner nudge to take a nap, a walk, to kick back or go do something fun, you honor your truth. Your core self knows what it needs for balance and sanity. Following through on ways to rejuvenate is NOT selfish it’s self-care. It will increase your confidence and lower your anxiety and fatigue, and give you the battery charge you need to do all the other adulting you need to do.
Boundaries are a very big deal when it comes to having confidence and feeling good about how we are living our life. By saying no to chaos and self-neglect and yes to self-care and self-discipline, you are on your way to feeling calmer, more grounded, and maybe even happier.