Being Courageous in Little Ways Makes a Big Difference
All month on the podcast we are talking about Courage as a necessary component to empowerment, to great relationships and a great life. Every thing we do to become more vulnerable, to risk putting ourselves out there requires it, and I believe it is a conscious choice, that is the only thing stronger than the fear you may have for doing so. But you don’t need to start out going so big. You can begin with smaller, almost more meaningful steps.
Every Time you honor what you feel you validate your true self. You are essentially saying that you “make sense”, and what you feel makes sense given the circumstances. This helps to build the self-trust you need for to feel confident and less anxious.
Every Time you Ask Someone for Help, you validate that you don’t have to know all the answers or do everything by yourself. You can learn and appreciate what others bring to the table. You can also share the experience. Even if it means loading boxes into the house – it’s still time spent together accomplishing something and feeling cared about. Therefore, you know you’re not alone.
Every Time you say “No” you honor yourself. You honor that your boundaries matter, that you matter, and that you have enough self-respect set limits on what is not good for you. You show yourself what you deserve every time you do this.
Every Time you are emotionally honest with someone you care about, you risk feeling alive, you risk connection, and you allow yourself to have the love and belongingness and aliveness that you so deserve.
Every Time you take a risk and do something different, something creative that puts your gifts or passions out there in the world you make your outsides match your insides. This creates even more confidence and congruence. You are showing the world who you truly are, and by risking failure you are also opening yourself up to success.
Essentially, taking steps every day in these areas adds up quickly. You become more acclimated to doing them and they bring rewards that will also motivate you to be more open. You begin to notice you feel more alive, more connected to others and to life, and that you continue to want more and better.
So no matter where you begin, just begin. Every step begets another.